Author Sean DeGrilla is a seventeen-year veteran of law enforcement, a Medal of Valor recipient, and has provided material support to the FBI, MBI, Gang Unit, and various local, state, and federal agencies. Sean relied upon his extensive law enforcement training and experience to delve into the guilt or innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald, commissioning the first-ever, 21st century, Computer Voice Stress Analysis of Oswald. This groundbreaking and innovative work, together with his skill set obtained in law enforcement produced startling results, finally solving one of the most heartbreaking crimes in history, using the assassin’s very own words and actions that give the complete picture on what he really did. Sean’s book: Malcontent: Lee Harvey Oswald’s Confession by Conduct is the result. Lee Harvey Oswald took a lie detector test and never even knew it. Sean’s website is: seandegrilla.com