Interview with


1.What’s a common myth about Independent Artists and can you
debunk it?”
A common myth about Independent Artist, is that their music is
not good music, I can debunk that by the fact that, the music that
I record, I make sure that every song sounds like it is a single, I
have also heard a lot of other Independent Artist, and I am baffled
when I only hear their music on a specialty radio show, much of it
sounds better than a lot of mainstream music, I have heard. See
with mainstream music, you are forced to hear the repetitiveness
of the songs being played, even if it is a song, that you don’t like,
by the time they pound it in your brain on the radio, after 26
times, which is the time it takes to make almost anyone to start
liking a song. Wherein, I’ve heard Independent Artist songs, that I

liked the first time I heard the song. I’m not saying that
mainstream artist isn’t great, but most times they have this
promotions machines by the major labels that can push the
record by paying under the table fees, to get the records played
repeatedly. Most Independent Artist don’t have an arsenal of
cash for promotions, but their music is incredible, though there
are some that is not as well.

  1. “What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter the
    music industry”?
    Some of the things I would tell an artist or a person wanting to
    become and artist, don’t do this if is not something that you truly
    love. I would say this, because, if you don’t love what you do, you
    will easily give up, this is not an industry where it is automatic
    success, it is a slow grind, and a very cutthroat business.
    The odds are stacked against you, there are more artist today
    putting out music than ever before in the history of putting out
    music, instead of hundreds of artists trying to release music, there
    are millions.
    It is very important that you don’t try to be like other artist, be
    unique and have your own sound, so you can stand out from the
    crowd. With quality over quantity, though Spotify is uploading
    abut 60,000 songs every day, you can get overlooked, but you still
    must do diligence in this new media world of branding yourself on
    these platforms and put out single after single.
    3.“Are there any resources or even advice that have really helped
    you on your journey?” Yes, there are plenty of resources,
    ironically, that I had to locate on my own, they were not handed
    to me on a silver platter. Besides first and foremost reading the
    Bible, is my biggest resource, because without reading the Bible,
    and having a relationship with almighty God through Christ Jesus,

I would not be able to do what I do to glorify Him, and minister in
song. I would say, speaking of the Bible it was the Indie Bible, that
led me to my radio promoters, Musik Radio Promoters,, Stephen Wrench and his team has given me an
open door, which I had a lot of closed doors at radio, until I met
these promotions team, that has been able to promote my music
worldwide and has spawned two number one Records “Pick The
Gate”, Dance In The Dark, and a number three song “War Cry”.
Domestically before I met the team, I only had 2 DJ’s playing my
records the first one to play my first single “Holy Groove was
DJ EL VEE @KJLH 102.3 and DJ Will 92.7 FM, and Arnold Turner.
Other more recent resources are Jiggy Jag @KJAG Radio, who has
interviewed me on two occasions, and the reason, I’m doing this
interview now. Speaking of interviews, through my PR Olivia Long,
I have been able do interviews on Authority Magazine, Divine
Magazine, and many others, she has also been a great resource.
This has not been an easy ride, but I will not give up! It has taken a
lot of time, but these are some of the people who have helped me
along the way.

  1. “What has been your biggest accomplishment in your career
    thus far?” I would have to say my biggest accomplishments in my
    career so far are those two numbers one records at radio my
    songs “Pick the Gate, and “Dance in The Dark”, and my third
    single “War Cry” reaching number 3 on the charts.
  2. “What do you wish you had known when you started out?” I
    wish I had known about all the gatekeepers at radio, and other
    venues, when I started. Note, just because I am singing for God,
    does not mean that all doors will open for me. The gospel
    industry is no different, than the secular industry, when it comes
    to doing business. I wish I would’ve known that social media, is a
    must in order to facilitate your promotions, and engagements, I

remember when it first came out, I was like this is like being in
high school, but a necessity, it takes a lot to gain a following
online. I wish I had known that the hard part is not putting down
the music, it is the actual promotions that you must do for the

  1. “What led you to becoming a singer-songwriter?”
    What led me to become a singer-songwriter, was almighty God
    Himself. On July 1, 2009, God woke me up out of a sound sleep,
    and gave me the gift of song. It was at 3 am, when words upon
    words of praise was coming out of my mouth, I literally woke up
    singing and crying, then I was prompted to start writing words
    down, which became songs. I wrote three songs lyrically within a
    few hours. So, it was God’s miracle calling on my life, that has led
    me to become a singer-songwriter.
  2. “What do you think is your unique skill (s) that has helped you
    become successful?”
    The unique skill that has helped me become successful, is being
    able to keep good records, if I had not done so, the success that I
    have today, I would not have been able to attain. Besides that,
    God’s gift to allow me to sing in a unique way, has also allowed
    me to become successful.
  3. “How was your journey to do what you do now?”
    My journey, to do what I do now has not been an easy one. My
    journey to do what I do now, was not an easy road. Since I come
    from a large family of eleven (11) children, that was a task, to
    overcome, because growing up we did not have much, but we

never went a day without a meal. Raised by both of my biological
parents, Alma and Dorsey Cantrell, they got us through.
Along my journey, I experienced the loss of my husband of almost
17 years, who was a successful record producer, known to many
as Johnny “J”. He produced music for 2Pac and many others in
the industry and sold over 100 million records. I got to spend
thousands of hours in the studio with them, and I was able to do
some small talking parts on the records. It was after he died, in
2008, just three months later I would be given a prophesy, from
one of my college professors, who was a prophet. He said, “that I
was going to be a singer!” I laughed at him, he laughed back, and
said, “you’re going to be a singer, and your name is goanna be
Intrigued by how he knew my nickname, only my family and
childhood friends knew me by that name, I said OK, but laughing I
don’t know how, because I’m tone deaf. Three months later, that
prophesy came true, and this is when God woke me up out of a
sound sleep and gave me the gift to sing and write songs. Ever
since I put out two albums, and I’m preparing to release my third
LP, “The Breastplate of Righteousness”.

  1. “How did this project begin?” This project began like any other
    project of mine, I have been continuously writing songs for my
    projects, and this album, I have been able to reach a little deeper
    creatively, I have found my voice. It’s just making sure the songs
    are a great fit for this album.
    10.” What makes this project different from the last project?”
    What makes this project different from the last project, ironically,
    I have called my first two projects, “God’s Project” Book I, and
    “God’s Project” Book II. I was going to title all my albums God’s

Project, in different volumes, but with this album that has
changed. Moving forward, I changed the direction of where I was
going title wise, and this album is different, because I speak on
many different relevant situations the world is dealing with, like
the Global Government, Politics, and the weight of the world.
Though, I am a Christian Contemporary artist, the listener, will
know whom I am talking about, with no compromise in my music,
I don’t bite my tongue on any issue. The album “The Breastplate
of Righteousness”, is bold, and people will see my growth in this
album, vocally, conceptually, and with boldness in Christ.
11.” What’s the inspiration behind this project?” The inspiration
behind this project the word of God, in His book the Bible,
Ephesians 6:10-13- My brethren, be strong in the Lord, and the
power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may
be able to stand against principalities, against powers, against
rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done
all to stand.
12.” What word or phrase would I use to describe this project?”
The word or phrase that I would describe this project is the armor
of God.

  1. “How can listeners get in touch with or support me?” Listeners
    can get in touch with me through the following:

14.” What is coming up for you in the near future?” What is
coming up for me in the near future, is more music, I will be
putting out my next single, “Jesus Rocks” on Apple Music, Spotify,
and an incredible video on YouTube, and all other online outlets;
over the summer I will be putting out other singles like “Swing to
The Right”, “Come And Accept Jesus”, “Set Me Free”, and “Work
On You” and I will release my album the “Breastplate of
Righteousness”, by Sept.

  1. “Many people believe that becoming a musical artist is
    challenging to the point it becomes overwhelming and too much
    to handle. Why do you think people believe that? The reasons
    why people believe that becoming a musical artist is challenging
    to the point where it is overwhelming, and it’s too much too,
    handle because it is. This business can be a bit much, if you don’t
    have a strong sense of who you are, you can easily get swallowed
    up, being a musical artist. It’s not so much just about the talent
    these days, there are so many overwhelming factors and things
    that go on behind the scenes that musical artist must endure,
    prepare for shows, write songs, do interviews, deal with your
    business going on the road everything is overwhelming, on top of
    that their everyday lives, trying to manage them all. In in order to
    keep your sanity if you can’t do it yourself, your goanna have a
    strong team behind you. Either way it’s overwhelming, no matter
    who manages it! This business is cutthroat, its competition, it’s a
    tug-o-war. Worst of all this is the one business, people can almost
    get away with not paying you for your services.
  2. “What is the most common reason for people failing or giving
    up?” I think the most common reason people fail or give up, is
    having too many closed doors, and no success. If they are not

getting airplay no shows, no outlets to showcase their talents, and
not making any money off it, people simply give up!

  1. “What is my favorite word?” My favorite word is Jesus!
    When I call on his name I shall be saved!
  2. “What are you not very good at?” I am not very good at
  3. “If I can have one superpower, what would it be?” If I had one
    superpower it would be to be able to speak the word of God, and
    anything I ask in Jesus mighty name shall be done!
  4. “If I were a type of food, what type of food would you be?” If I
    was a type of food, I would be “Gumbo”, because I’m a little bit of
    everything, and I’m a bit spicy!
  5. “If I could switch lives with someone for a day, who would I
    choose?” Wow, If I could switch lives with someone for a day, I
    would choose President Donald J. Trump!

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